Monday, October 28, 2013

Visual Nararararararative: More

Alright, here's the high-quality images of what my storyboard looks like. There's basically two characters, which I may get two of my roommates to play. The crowd can be just a bunch of my housemates. I'm sure one can pose as a guy.

Maybe I can get my other housemate in photography to actually shoot the pictures, since I doubt she'd let me borrow her camera. Or I can use my cheap little Kodak.  This could all take a couple days to shoot, especially if I want to get the right lighting for each scene. And I'll have to actually wait for the train to pass for that one short scene, with only that section of time available.

I'm probably making this far more complicated than necessary. Go big or go home, I suppose.

I decided to largely draw inspiration from one of my favorite videos on this very planet:
I may or may not use the song featured in this as well. Shhhhh.

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